
So our family ordered a computer from Dell about 2 1/2 weeks ago. We got an email today saying there was a “slight delay” and our computer would arrive September 19th! That is crazy! Almost a month just for a laptop!?! Express your frustrations in the comments and send Dell angry emails. C’mon Dell, really?

Spencer Shank

I have big news! Spencer Shank will be joining Brown’s Blog as an author! Spencer is a good friend of mine, and I anticipate he will be a huge addition to the blog.

In other news, I have not yet started blogging in my usual manner. If you would like my current blog that will be transitioning to this blog, go to There will be more blog posts to come. Thanks for visiting!

First Post

Hey everyone! I’m Andrew Brown, Owner and Operator of Brown’s Blog. I will be talking about Music and Sports and whatever I think up. My cousin Ryan Dillman will also be joining me in the days to come. There may be other authors arriving soon as well. Thanks for visiting!