iOS 7 , iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S

So I’m sure you’ve all heard about Apple’s new operating system. Its release date is due to be released at an upcoming event on September 10th. I really like the new iOS. It is a HUGE facelift to Apple’s ancient UI.

Also at this event, it is expected that Apple will be announcing the iPhone 5C (the c stands for color) and the iPhone 5S. The iPhone 5C can come in many different colors. It also will have a plastic back in order to make it cheaper. The iPhone 5S will be like all the other “S” iPhones; not much will change. The only major change I have heard of is the processor will be upgraded to an A7 instead of the A6.

If anyone has any comments about this, I would love to hear it. Please comment below. If I get enough comments, I will post a post reacting to your comments. Make sure to click on the post title if you are viewing this from the home page or else the comment box will not pop up. Thank You!